Trading Group of Fararoun Sanat Foolad Jonoob

Services of Fararoun Sanat

Trading group of Fararon Sanat Foolad Jonoob, from the advent of its establishment to today, has tried to cover the complete range of required services of industrial units at the state criterion on the basis of the long-term outlook of the this group’s managers. On the basis of this approach, the scope of this group’s services can be categorized into three main groups: trading services, production and specialized consulting.

Trading Group of Fararoun Sanat Foolad Jonoob

Consulting Services

Fararoun Sanat Foolad Jonoob, by relying on the expertise and specialized knowledge of experts and active technical technicians of this group, has been able to provide a set of specialized services of technical consulting and of repairing in various domain of industry. These services include technical consulting. By relying on the academic and technical knowledge of the specialized forces and communication with the experts of manufacturing brands in supplying imported items, the feasibility of technical replacement with samples of products with modern and appropriate technical specifications, paved the way for reaching to solution.

Appropriate preservation and periodic service conditions for the product are considered as the main services of Fararoun technical consulting sector, which pave the way for increasing the longevity and efficiency of parts that these items are received by direct contact with the technical experts of the production brand and are given to co- industries in Iran. And this important issue has led to the formation of a specialized technical database in this group and paving the way for the desire of international manufacturing companies’ tendency to mutual cooperation with the group of Fararoun Sanat.

Trading Group of Fararoun Sanat Foolad Jonoob

Trading Services

In accordance with the trade between Group of Fararoun Sanat with Iran Industries, trading services as a main activity of Fararoun Sanat Foolad Jonoob has a fundamental and important role in advancing the goals of the group and has the most shares in the activities of the group. The most important measures performed in this part can be divided into two main trading domestic and foreign groups.

  1. Foreign trade

Fararoun Sanat has tried to supply the required items of industrial units with the most valid brands and guarantees from global markets by creating mechanisms of powerful relationships with brands and multifarious suppliers in outside of the country and meet the set of common interests for colleagues of this group in an international criterion and it has been able to convert into a reliable and trustworthy brand in domain of industrial import by relying on its financial power and reputation and validities derived from its supplying activities in the past years.

  1. Domestic trade

Fararoun Sanat has attempted to cover the important and fundamental needs of industrial units in the national criterion in the domain of domestic supply and to provide the required items of industrial units in the most limited time with the highest quality from international co-suppliers by creating mechanisms of powerful relationships with industries in inside of the country and also to turn into the first selection by day to day expanding the service scope of this unit toward the industries embedded inside Iran and approaching to leading standards in the domain of equipping and supplying industrial items.

Trading Group of Fararoun Sanat Foolad Jonoob

Production Services

In accordance with the existent restriction on supplying the required items of industrial units through import and in line with macro policies in domain of reducing the industries’ dependence  to foreign suppliers has attempted to pave the suitable way for producing of many required import items of industries and for achieving this goal, has intended to take a small step and concurrent with supplying the required items of industrial units has attempted to manifest a farsighted approach through transferring technology and providing technical scope for production. Considering the existent distinctions in industrial machinery and equipment, in many cases it is needed to apply technical changes in imported industrial items. This should possess the essential technologies. Therefore, Fararoun has tried to implement some of technical changes and ordering imported items with direct technical relation among experts of the group and experts of international suppliers alongside production scope and domestication of industrial items. Alongside the ordering of new parts, the technical group of Fararoun Sanat, has paved the way for ordering the existent items in industrial units with the goal of promoting efficiency and improving quality that in many cases, presenting technical reports of these cases to international manufacturing brands cause improving production process and informing from the feedback of used production in specific condition.